CE/CME Cosmetic Injection Courses
Experience the thrill of mastering the art of aesthetic injections at InjectionU®! Our 1-day accredited, in-person courses on neurotoxins and dermal fillers are designed to ignite your passion. Dive into the world of aesthetics in our small, intimate classes, where you'll get hands-on experience with real models. Get ready to be excited about your journey with InjectionU®!
To view ALL general availability, please view our schedule here.

Dermal Fillers 101 (6.5 CME) - OR - 2 Seats Available
Join us for our upcoming CME Dermal Fillers 101 course on October 16th, 2024 brought to you by Global Education Group and InjectionU.
Supported by an education grant from AbbVie.
Cost: $2750